الأحد، 14 فبراير 2010

Free Alwafi Dictionary Free Download Arabic alwafi programs

ALWAFI translator is a very good translator from english language to arabic language and 
arabic language to english language. it is very easy translator programs . you can translate  
phrases , words , and text. you can search for any word english or arabic. you will find many 
 meanings to one word. you can hear or listen to spelling of words.

ALWAFI translator version
file size 23.8 mb
how you can setup alwafi translator program ?
 follow the steps are shown below : -
step(1) double  click on the icon of setup

step (2) you will see this picture . you must wait while copying files are finsied.

step ( 3 ) choose ok to run setup of golden alwafi translator.


step ( 4 ) specify the directory and click the icon to make setup continue.

you can download this file from here

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