الثلاثاء، 11 أغسطس 2009

Using Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator offers creative flexibility for projects from postage stamps to posters. Artwork is created and saved in formats for print, publications or web pages.

Size Matters

Whether a project is a bookmark, a DVD label, or a billboard, Adobe Illustrator offers designers and illustrators powerful creative tools and adjustable document sizes to create artwork for virtually any project. And since Adobe Illustrator is based on vectors, artwork can be reduced or enlarged with incredible flexibility.

Great Creative Tools

Designers and illustrators use Adobe Illustrator’s powerful tools to draw shapes with straight or curved lines, add text, import photographic images, and apply a wide variety of styles and effects. Artwork can be simple or complex. Styles and effects can be added, changed, or removed from individual items without changing the rest of the document’s elements. This flexibility allows for great creative options within a project.

Print or Web-based Artwork

Adobe Illustrator can be used to create artwork for use in print projects whether it’s completed within Adobe Illustrator, imported into a page layout program like Adobe InDesign, or saved as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Adobe Illustrator artwork can also be exported in file formats for use in programs such as Adobe Flash and Adobe Dreamweaver to help create dynamic interactive web content. For example, a designer can create a logo in Adobe Illustrator, save it as a PDF file to send to a client for review, complete the final art in a file format to add to a brochure layout in Adoe InDesign, and then provide a web-ready logo to use in Adobe Dreamweaver to create a web site.

Page Layout, but Not Pages

Artwork is created in Adobe Illustrator as a single page document. While there are print features in Adobe Illustrator which allow large sized documents to be printed out in multiple pages using a standard printer (this process is known as “tiling”), it is best to not use Adobe Illustrator as a page layout program to set up a magazine or other publication. That is a purpose better suited for Adobe InDesign, which is a powerful multi-page design program.

Better Charts and Graphs

Designers can take data from spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel and import it into Adobe Illustrator to create visually appealing charts and graphs. In turn, these can then be saved for use in print or web projects, or saved into formats to bring back into Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint.Read more: http://graphic-design-software.suite101.com/article.cfm/adobe_illustrator_cs3_uses#ixzz0O2ELueYv

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Three Ways to Speed Your PC

Slow computers are incredibly annoying and frustrating, preventing you from being able to do a number of things properly. Luckily, there are several ways
you can speed them up Here are ...

1. Uninstall unwanted programs

Many programs that you install have parts which are constantly running without you knowing. They are known as running "in the background" and take up a lot of system resources, making your computer run slower for no reason. Such programs which are famous for doing this are AIM and Outlook.
To stop this problem, you should uninstall any program that you don't need /want any more. To do this, you just need to go into the Windows CONTROL PANEL - ADD / REMOVE PROGRAMS and then scroll down the list, removing the programs you don't want. You need to be careful here, because if you don't know what a program does, you should check it out online, because if you remove the wrong one, you could do a lot more harm than good to your Pc.

2. Clear out any junk files

Especially thanks to high speed Internet, many people are now collecting huge amount of files on their computers which the simply don't need. Pictures, movies, document & web pages are just some of the junk that are cluttering up computers now. Although this seems okay, the truth is that the more files you have on your PC, the slower your PC will run.
Every time you boot up Windows, it actually takes all the files on your hard drives and creates a "map" of where they all are. This is known as file "indexing" and is what every Windows PC does to help it search your hard drives quicker. This is okay, but if you've got lots of junk files in there, this process will take a lot longer, making your computer slow down dramatically.
To fix this, you just need to remove any junk files on your PC. Just go to the folders where you like to save your files, select the ones you want to delete and then hold down SHIFT & click DELETE. This will permanently delete the files, instead of sending them to the recycle bin, allowing you to quickly make the most of your hard drive space

3. Clean out the registry

The registry is the central database for Windows, which stores all the settings and options for your computer. Everything from your latest emails to your desktop wallpaper are kept in here, allowing your computer to "remember" a lot of things even when it's turned off and on again.
The problem is that this database often gets full of corrupted and damaged registry files, which forces your computer to take longer to read them. With many computers having 1,000's of damaged registry files, it's one of the biggest causes of a slow system, and one which is easily fixed with a registry cleaner.

Registry cleaners are software tools which scan through all your registry files and fix the bad ones that are slowing down your PC. The best registry cleaner for this job is one called RegAce
ArticleSource: http://www.ezinearticles.com/?3-Ways-to-Speed-Up-Your-PC&id=2731521

Ways to Speed Up Your PC